Posts Tagged: motherhood

Happy Summer! (Almost, technically). Even though the actual solstice is still a few days away, we are three weeks into summer vacation here in Georgia. Lovely, hot, mosquito-ridden summer vacation. With a side of stomach flu last week. Ugh! With the exception of a few hours of camp, Fozzie and Skywalker are both home with  […]

Dear Skywalker, Sometimes I feel like I’m not winning at this game. It’s been a bit chaotic at our house this week and everyone seems a little off their A-game. The good news is that we’re getting a puppy, so that will make everything calmer and easier! I was late to pick you up at  […]

So, you know that person who is always 2000% confident in themselves and their own knowledge? You know how, for some people, that confidence never seems to waver, regardless of the correctness or reliability of their beliefs? While it’s true, many of these folks are drawn to politics and therefore spend most of their time  […]

So I had to run a couple of errands late this morning and stopped in at Whole Foods to grab some lunch. And some hummus. And a chocolate bar, because organic = healthy, right? I’ve explained before that we writers in general and novelists in particular are notorious eavesdroppers, and I am no exception. Also,  […]

Well, hi there, blog! Come to think of it, hi there, keyboard and written word, while we’re at it… I have been away for a couple of weeks: away from you, away from my desk, away from my favorite coffee shop and everything else writing related. This wasn’t a formal vacation that included a trip  […]

Tie-Dye/Graffiti Beach Towels  (a.k.a. my attempt to be a Pinterest Mom) We are having a splash park birthday party for Skywalker and Fozzie in a couple of weeks, and for some reason “psychedelic beach” is the theme that’s evolved for it. In an attempt to avoid spending $20 per attending child on bags of crap  […]

Okay, I’m totally indulging in a little Mommy-gushing for this blog. I just refuse to believe that my little Skywalker (the new nickname I’m assigning him since the “Little Monkey” moniker I gave him early on in this blog now seems babyish and inappropriate) graduated from Pre-Kindergarten today. I remember kids ‘graduating’ from Pre-K in  […]

“Mommy, you’ve been gone too much. You’ve been gone Every. Single. Night.” Ugh. Rip my heart out and stomp on it, why don’t you? Yes, those were the words over Cheerios this morning of my Pre-K Little Man, who wishes his name were Anakin even though he has never seen the Star Wars movies, and  […]