Hi! Jeez it’s been a while. I’m so sorry. You look great, though! How’s the fam?
I so apologize for being one of those absent bloggers lately. I hope I didn’t give you a complex and make you question my love for you. The thing is, I started a new job two weeks ago (my first full time office job in…. um, almost 10 years) and the adjustment period has left me a little wiped out. It’s a communications job, which means my writing and psychology skills are coming in handy, and I really am enjoying it. It’s a young company, which is fun, too…
Loving my new job, except one intern who keeps calling me “ma’am.” Look for his dismembered body in the recycle bin soon. #indenial
— MJ Pullen (@MJPullen) October 18, 2015
I’m still working on the “finding time for my own writing” piece of the equation, but I’m confident it can be done. Lots of moms of young children work full time outside the home and still find time to write novels, right? It can totally happen. I’m not insane. Really.
I just won’t sleep for a couple of years. I’ll start writing weird psychological thrillers where everyone is hallucinating. It will be great.
So please bear with me if things are a little… um, erratic, at least for a while. I have so much to tell you (with the launch of The Marriage Pact just weeks away fun stuff happening at the virtual launch Nov. 3rd and the in-person launch in Atlanta Nov. 7th), but it may come in fits and spurts for the next few weeks while I’m finding my footing in the working world.
(In the meantime, if you post a comment here or on Facebook and I don’t get back right away, please know it’s just my addled brain, not a measure of my affection for you.)
COMMENTS: I’d appreciate any tips or advice from parents who’ve gone back to work after being at home, or writers who’ve juggled family and job and writing career simultaneously. I need all the help I can get!
As always, thank you for your amazing support.
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Hey M.J.
It’s all about balance. If one area of life is consuming you just remember to step back for a minute and regroup. And don’t forget to set aside some time for you. It’s important to remember yes you are a mother, wife, writer and now career woman but don’t lose M.J. in all the insanity of life. It’s so hard to achieve the perfect balance but so important so we can be effective in all areas of our lives. You’ll do wonderfully not to worry!
Adriana this is such good advice. Thank you!