Posts Tagged: author

I’ll be doing the “Member Minute” talk at this month’s Atlanta Writer’s Club meeting, talking on the topic of “My Self-Publishing Success Story.” Despite a slight squeamishness at the term “success story” for my story, I still think it will be a fun talk and welcome those of you who are AWC members to come  […]

Last week Hubs and I went out to California for a six-day vacation with some friends. It was the longest we’d been away from Fozzie and Skywalker, with both of us gone, and I am SO grateful for my mother-in-law and our amazing babysitter for making it possible. It was totally an “Eye of the  […]

There are the five old guys who meet faithfully on Monday mornings, laughing, reading aloud to one another, maybe praying (I try not to eavesdrop for that part) — heads bent together over empty plates and steaming mugs of coffee and then thrown back in joviality. Young people starting and running businesses. Women gossiping, talking  […]

Here. We. Go! It’s been a couple of months of biting my tongue while all the final details were hammered out and contracts inked, but I’m thrilled to announce that The Marriage Pact trilogy has been picked up by St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan Entertainment. They have bought the English-language publication rights to all three books and  […]

That’s right, we can now hear Aunt Mildred say, “Nur einen Moment auf den Lippen, ein Leben lang auf den Rippen.” (a translation of “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.”) That old bat. I am so delighted to have my first translated publication available (and for a short while it will  […]

… I bet this story will touch you. Malcolm Mitchell is a junior wide receiver at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!), and this story about his joining a ladies’ book club in Athens went a long way to ameliorating my feelings after a tough loss to South Carolina on Saturday. If you don’t tear  […]

So I had to run a couple of errands late this morning and stopped in at Whole Foods to grab some lunch. And some hummus. And a chocolate bar, because organic = healthy, right? I’ve explained before that we writers in general and novelists in particular are notorious eavesdroppers, and I am no exception. Also,  […]

Maybe I’ve got Emily Giffin on the brain after attending her talk at the Decatur Book Festival last weekend, or maybe there’s something else, but I’ve been seeing this scene from Something Borrowed in my head all morning [yes, some people get songs stuck in their heads, I get scenes]. And, okay, from this clip  […]

With the kerfuffle this week about hackers accessing naked pictures of celebrities, it got me thinking about what is on my computer and phone I wouldn’t want shared. I don’t have any naked selfies (sorry to disappoint), but I do have some pretty horrifyingly bad prose lying around. And some God-awful poetry. Overwrought, melodramatic letters  […]

“Can I talk to you about self-publishing?” I get this question often from my fellow writers, usually when they have completed or nearly completed a book, and are thinking about the next steps. They’ve heard that self-publishing is the road to riches, or that it’s career suicide. Maybe self-publishing is a sign of failure as  […]