Posts Tagged: fat girl

I’m going to tell you a couple of things about myself that you may not know. One, I consider myself something of a recovering cynic. I come from a long line of stalwart observers who often found it easier to point out what was wrong with the world (albeit in a clever and humorous way,  […]

I’m nearly halfway through my training now, completing a 12-mile endurance walk this past Sunday. I’m learning a lot about myself through this process, including what my body is capable of enduring and how surprisingly quickly I can bounce back from what feels like overwhelming tiredness or soreness. I have noticed that during each week’s  […]

I’m in my second week of training for the walk (and I promise that not every blog for the next 10 weeks will be about this). It’s going pretty well, though I am realizing how much I’d been neglecting my exercise routine lately. Walking five days a week and cross-training on the other two is  […]

I felt I needed to clarify the title, to keep people from getting all excited that MLM might be walking and read on, hoping for adorable “Bambi-on-the-ice”-type video ending with my son falling on his adorable little baby butt. Well, sorry. Not yet, anyway. Now that you’ve presumably recovered from the disappointment that this is  […]