If you follow my blogs and social media, you already know the last year and a half has been pretty challenging. I’ve been struggling with chronic pain, work limitations, and some other run-of-the-mill crap. I’ve been busy and tired.
But as I was talking with one of my author coaching clients the other day, I quoted some wisdom to her from my academic supervisor when I was completing my Master’s internship in Professional Counseling. At a time in my studies when I was working my tail off and really exhausted, he said to me, “We learn a lot about ourselves when we’re tired.”
I found that to be true during my internship, and at many other points in my life when I’ve been stressed out and exhausted. Those times when I am pushed to my limits often turn out to me the times in my life that I’m most proud of. Those moments teach me to prioritize what’s truly important, to dig deep and show the world what I’m really made of.
I’ve learned that happiness and success are largely related to how we respond to difficulties. I’ve been gentle with myself this past year, honoring the struggle and recovering my health.
My plan for this year is to use those challenges as a starting block, a place to push off to gain new momentum. I want to incorporate what I’ve learned about myself into a better version for next year.
In honor of all those moments and the ones to come, my word for 2020 is RESILIENCE.
What about you? Do you have a word for 2020? Leave it in the comments below!
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