Just a quick, slightly belated post to say “thank you” to everyone who helped make THE MARRIAGE PACT launch last week a ton of fun and (from my end, at least) a big success. I am so grateful to Nicole Sohl, Brendan Deneen, Jessica Preeg and Annie Hulkower at Thomas Dunne/St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan Entertainment; as well as to Beth Phelan at The Bent Agency, for making this process painless and fun, and for making the hardcover So. Dang. Pretty.
Thanks also to FoxTale Book Shoppe for hosting the launch and selling every single book they had on hand. We had a blast and some delicious Ali’s Cookie Cake (my favorite) last weekend. I’m including a few pictures of the launch party at FoxTale Book Shoppe with this post. You can see lots more fun pictures here.
Huge thanks to everyone who came out to the Virtual Launch, too. We had a a great time talking about our favorite movies and love songs and I did everything I could to pretend I wasn’t turning 40 right before your VERY EYES. Want to see what you missed? Click here and scroll through the party posts.
Congratulations to Christie Hunt, who won the Wake Up and Read! coffee basket at the bookstore; and to Sharon McFeron, Tracy Cembor and Kimberly Vaughan Landry, who all won prizes at the virtual launch.
I really appreciate all the friends and family and readers who came out or signed on to celebrate with me, and the many more who sent good wishes for the launch last week. You guys make it all worthwhile.
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