Posts Tagged: author

Happy Summer! (Almost, technically). Even though the actual solstice is still a few days away, we are three weeks into summer vacation here in Georgia. Lovely, hot, mosquito-ridden summer vacation. With a side of stomach flu last week. Ugh! With the exception of a few hours of camp, Fozzie and Skywalker are both home with  […]

As of last week, I am no longer an RT virgin. The Romantic Times Booklovers Convention in Dallas was an absolute blast. If you are a fan (or writer) of romance novels, I highly recommend it. I took a wonderful plotting class from Cherry Adair, who changed my view of Post-It notes completely. If you’re  […]

Hi, Gang! Apologies for the long break between blogs — oh crap, I owe you a monthly winner for April, don’t I? Frig. Anyway, I’ve been working my cute little tushie off this past month, revising my latest novel EVERY-OTHER SATURDAY. It will make its way to beta readers next week, get revised some more,  […]

Congratulations to Kathleen Arnold of Lansdale, PA, who was randomly selected as the March winner of a $10 Amazon gift card! I decided these little drawings would be more fun if we used them as an opportunity to get to know one another, so here is a picture of Kathleen and her lovely family. She  […]

Okay, okay, yes. Yesterday’s book announcement was totally an April Fool’s joke. I was both delighted and a tiny bit guilty about how many of you fell for it. Although I will say, I think it says something that most of those who fell for it didn’t comment on the blog: emailing or FB messaging  […]

Many of you have been kind enough to ask whether there will be another e-book released before the official re-launch of THE MARRIAGE PACT in November, and I’m excited to share with you that I have just finished the first draft of my next romance novel! It’s in the hands of my critique partners as  […]

Guys. Look at this. Isn’t it beautiful? You are looking at the official cover for the official re-release of THE MARRIAGE PACT, which I can now tell you will be coming to a bookstore near you on November 3, 2015. And guess what else? That’s my birthday. My 40th birthday. It’s too much to handle.  […]

I know people are super-concerned about Big Brother monitoring our online activities (or at least, we were a little concerned until the latest version of Candy Crush/Game of War came out and distracted us).  But when I visited my Google Ad Settings today — a fit of random curiosity when I clicked that I didn’t  […]

For writers in the Atlanta area: I am reprising my popular Author Platform Basics workshop with an expanded version on Saturday morning, April 18. Suitable for authors pursuing both traditional and self-publishing, this workshop will teach writers how to create and maintain a viable, thriving platform that will appeal to both readers and agents/editors. This  […]

I know, I know, I know…. You guys are telling me — with increasing (but loving) impatience — that you’re ready for another book. And I am so sorry that I’ve been sidelined more than once in the past year. I could say something precious and lofty like, “It’s all part of the artistic process,”  […]