Posts Categorized: Two Cents

I’ve written before about my experience with self-publishing and the changes in the publishing industry. The subject continues to fascinate me as a reader and a writer. The world of books is in flux, to say the least, and readers are presented with an overwhelming array of choices. Hardback and paperback, sure. Familiar authors, yes.  […]

Maybe it’s an occupational hazard (writer + counselor), but I often notice themes emerging in my life and work. Right now one of those themes, especially with my teen and adult female clients, is humiliating experiences. Most often things that might happen, and would be so devastating that the person would never recover. Falling down  […]

Alright, people. I realize the modern conveniences of cell phones, e-mail, Caller ID, Facebook, etc. have created some social and professional situations that aren’t covered by the traditional etiquette rules of Emily Post. Somehow I don’t think the ladies who long ago made maps of appropriate forks and wrote the governing regulations on thank-you notes  […]

Originally this blog was going to be about how our little monkey didn’t sleep Friday night, and what fun it was trying stay awake and present Saturday morning when we had a crowd at our house for brunch. MLM is getting in a back molar, we think, and he was awake and crying from midnight  […]

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week at Monkey’s school. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? I think so. I love teachers. I worked at a school for almost three years and teachers were the majority of my acquaintance. My best friend is a teacher. I know first-hand what a hard and often thankless job it can be. So I  […]

Isn’t this just the coolest thing? Right now I’m enjoying MLM’s morning nap and watching the trapped Chilean miners being rescued one by one. You would think that by the twelfth miner, some of the novelty and emotion of seeing this process would have worn off, but it hasn’t. It’s totally amazing to see someone  […]