Posts Categorized: Jane Austen Days-Jedi Knights

Author M.J. Pullen blogs with humor about her life as a writer and working mom raising two padawans with her own personal Mr. Darcy.

Y’all probably know by now that I was in a car accident a little over a year ago and (for what seemed at the time like a minor accident) it has seriously changed my life… Sometimes in ways I don’t even think about. When you deal with chronic pain, after a while it becomes your  […]

This is a version of a post from the Distracted Readers’ Facebook group. We’d love for you to join us there.  We picked up our 10 year-old from camp on Thursday, and with the littler guy at Grandma’s, Hubs and I took the opportunity for a little adult time in Asheville, NC. It wasn’t anything  […]

It’s here! Time to load up the bags, the car and your e-reader for the hot summer days. As always, I’m here to help! Summer Checklist Beach ball for the kids (popped on hot asphalt of the parking lot) Cheap sunglasses (buried in the sand) Super-bright nail polish (spilled onto center console – now forever  […]

What if Sugar Mills were in Westeros? Are you obsessed with Game of Thrones? It’s hard to avoid these days, as we’re over halfway through the final season of HBO’s adaptation. It seems like everyone is talking about GOT. Even me! Personally, I came to George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire several  […]

Check out the video with my World Book Day giveaway, and your healing thoughts are appreciated as I undergo surgery today. I’m so excited to be giving away a signed paperback copy of all three Marriage Pact trilogy books! (U.S. only for paperback — international entrants can win a digital version) Three easy ways to  […]

Sadly, our annual Oscar party tradition just wasn’t in the cards for this year. Lots of other things happening, and we only managed to see three of the Best Picture Noms: Black Panther, BlacKKKlansman, and The Favourite; which is sort of pathetic when you consider Roma is on Netflix. (We did better on the Animated  […]

Those of you who have been with me for a while know that my hubs is an anti-Valentine’s guy (it’s a conspiracy by Hallmark and the flower industry, yadda yadda…). While I see his point, the holiday doesn’t bother me much anymore.   I mean, most of what I write are love stories in some form  […]

I love this idea of picking your Word for the Year. A talisman. A reminder. At the very least, a Facebook post. And I’ve been so inspired by my friends who are picking things like “courage” and “kindness” and “confidence.” Those things have been on my list lately, too, and I could easily have chosen  […]

…How can you not remember? Here’s a thing that happens to me: Last week I was talking to a book club (Hi, ladies! I love the fuzzy socks – thanks again!) and someone asked me how I pronounce the name “Carras” from Sugar Street. In my imagination it’s pronounced like “Care-Ehss” which I’ve seen spelled  […]