When I said “let’s do something dirty for Valentine’s Day,” this isn’t exactly what I meant…
If you have been following me for any length of time (at least a year), then you know that my sweet Hubs is NOT a Valentine’s guy. It’s a holiday made up by Hallmark to make people spend money, blah, blah, blah. I don’t mind (as much) (anymore) because Hubs is amazing in all the ways that count and he remembers all the other important days in our marriage. Plus, he concedes that since we got engaged 10 YEARS AGO on February 11th, we can celebrate our engagement anniversary. So that works. BUT…
This year, for the FIRST TIME EVER, I’m getting a real Valentine’s gift… a compost bin!
My day job at a sustainability-focused company has me nerding out about all the damage done to our planet by organics in landfills. So Hubs decided to get me something I’ve REALLY wanted, and send a not-too-subtle message about what he thinks about February 14th at the same time. Sort of weirdly, snarkily perfect. Just like us.
<Pause for gagging and coughing.>
The kids have already enjoyed putting some food scraps, leaves and pine straw in the bin; and I have been able to spend some time enjoying the man who knows me better than anyone else — even when he insists on acknowledging it on his own terms. I wouldn’t have it any other way!
I hope your Valentine’s Day brought you love, renewal, and a little something dirty!
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