Don’t you hate this part of the health and fitness cycle?
The “I know I’d feel better if I got off my ass and got some exercise but what I really want is to melt into my chair with some caramel popcorn and bourbon” phase. Everyone goes through that, right?
For some reason, January is a tough time for me every year. I know that’s opposite to the flood of people hitting the gym and doing cayenne pepper and cucumber cleanses this month; but even with the benefit of New Year’s Resolve, I still struggle to get moving in these cold gray days of winter.
Maybe it’s the lack of daylight, or the chronic low-level sinus infection that seems to hover at my door this time of year. Could be that horrible junk food addiction cycle. Or maybe that my great-great-grandfather was actually a Columbian two-toed sloth.
In any case, I know the answer: get some exercise back into my routine. I know they say exercise is only 20% of weight loss, but for me it’s a really important 20%. When I’m not moving much, I feel low energy, and that leads to craving sugar and refined carbs, which lead to lower energy and more cravings… When I’m working out, I don’t get that exhausted all the time feeling. I also feel stronger and more confident, which makes it easier to choose healthy foods. It’s a positive cycle, at least in theory.
Time to move!
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