Since my Oscar post last week, I’ve had several requests for the “ENIGMA” drink recipe Hubs concocted/adapted for our terrible pun Oscar party. He shared it to my Facebook page, but it’s easier to find and refer to here. I’m just going to tell you that while Hubs is an amazing chemical engineer and should probably look into becoming a mixologist as a backup career, he is not good at giving exact amounts in drink recipes. Maybe it’s a side effect of going to college in New Orleans, where cocktails are second nature. Or maybe it’s that amounts don’t matter. It’s all just a part of the enigmatic nature of this beverage.
We made this one in our Vitamix, but I’m sure a regular old blender would perform the task admirably.
Anyway, here you go:
Sam’s Enigma Recipe
2-3 parts vodka & Cointreau
1 part bourbon & amaretto
peaches, pineapple, mixed berries (we used a mix of fresh and frozen)
3 parts cranberry juice to 1 part orange juice [MJ says: I’m assuming these are the same measurements as the liquor? Seriously, they actually gave him a degree in chemical engineering. Go figure.]
Mix until slushy and a lovely shade of pink. Also, since you used real fruit it’s healthy, right???
Naturally, since The Enigma’s main selling point is its inscrutability and elusiveness, we couldn’t get a decent picture of it. Also, we were too busy drinking it. But I did manage to capture this grainy photo of a bearded man drinking what is believed to be an Enigma through a Red Vine candy stick. The beard has asked to remain anonymous.
If you make this recipe with any interesting variations or capture a picture of your own Enigmas in the wild, I’d love if you would post in the comments.
Have fun and be responsibly enigmatic!
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